Monday, October 27, 2008

Your Love is Strong

Your Love is Strong, by Jon Foreman
Heavenly Father

You always amaze me
Let your kingdom come
In my world and in my life
You give me the food I need
To live through the day
And forgive me as I forgive
The people that wronged me
Lead me far from temptation
Deliver me from the evil one

I look out the window
The birds are composing
Not a note is out of tune
Or out of place
I look at the meadow
And stare at the flowers
Better dressed than any girl
On her wedding day
So why do I worry? Why do I freak out? God knows what I need
You know what I need

Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong

The kingdom of the heavens
Is now advancing
Invade my heart
Invade this broken town
The kingdom of the heavens
Is buried treasure
Will you sell yourself
To buy the one you've found?

Two things you told me
That you are strong
And you love me
Yes, you love me

Our God in heaven
Hallowed beThy name above all names
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us today our daily bread
Forgive us wicked sinners
Lead us far away from our vices
And deliver us from these prisons

I have had this song on repeat for days now. I just can’t get enough of it. Sooo simple but resonates so much with my heart.

My favorite part: Why should I worry, why do I freak out. God knows what I need, you know what I need.
And then: Two things you told me, That you are strong, And you love me, Yes, you love me

I have wasted far too much worrying about my future. Lately I have found so much peace in just resting and trusting this past month. It seems the more I have rested, the more I have heard Him. Imagine that!

The truth he is, he does know what I need. And he will give me what I need. AND he is strong. Stronger than anything that could ever come at me. I shouldn’t fear. He loves me. Wow, how he loves me and has promised me great things. All of those promises will come to fruition. I believe it. I don’t want to manipulate a single thing because I want His best in every area of my life and the sweetest blessings will come from a place where my heart fully trusts in my Fathers unfailing goodness and love.

A lot of change is being stirred up, where it looks as if I will not be living in Colorado much longer. Sad...but excited for the future and where God is taking me. In the meantime, I am enjoying my time here, my relationships and all the ways God is blessing me. I have some of my VERY DEAREST friends coming to visit me a week from this Friday. I am overjoyed to see these girls again. Some of my best gyels from college who walked through so much life with me. And now almost 3 years since we have all lived in the same place, we get to catch up, talk about life now and what the Lord has been doing. I love it. I love community with friends that you know will be a part of your life for the rest of your life.

THEN I am going to NYC to see my sister...well childhood best friend, but she is really more a sister to me than a friend...we pretty much lived together. She blessed me with a plane ticket to come see her in NYC for a Christmas present. I love NYC and I am sooooooo stoked that we get to hang out and spend sweet time just catching up! I just adore her.

The Lord has truly blessed me with great friends and really great things to look forward to. I will be going to visit Portland and Nashville soon too! YAY! I am just so happy and content right now. Of course there are tiny flares of anxiety at times about different situations, but I am trusting God for his promises regardless of the outcome and believing everything will work out for the greater good. Totes.

So there we are. I need to get better at this blogging thing. I just don’t think to do it very much. Ok, gotta get back to work. Loves to you all. Peace.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Enjoying Today

Restlessness. I feel it so much. The world is mine to conquer right now, yet I feel restless. Not restless because I am stuck somewhere….but restless because I don’t know where to go….which direction to walk. I keep making plans. I keep getting anxious….and then, at the end of the day, I feel exhausted because I have spent my whole day worrying about what is next and if this or that would be a mistake. Gosh I hate that. I know what scripture says. “Be anxious about NOTHING, but in everything, through prayer and petition, with thankfulness, make your requests known to God and HE will give you the desires of your heart.” I feel like I am screaming my requests to God and he is trying to answer but my anxiety gets in the way of hearing. I am trying to be still and calm…yet I keep moving, filling my time up and missing the point of what it really means to LEAN IN and listen. I know this is all so silly, but I just have to be honest with what is going on in my life…stubbornness and all.

I was talking to my mom last night on the phone. She is so sweet. LOVES me so much and believes in all God has for me. Of all people in my life on this earth, Margie Conner is my biggest fan. I absolutely adore her. She was talking to me about being still and a whole bunch of other stuff that I am sure was wise and great, but I just didn’t feel like hearing it, so I tuned her out. At one point I even pulled the phone away from my ear to watch the VP debate clips and what all the political analysts on the news stations had to say. As I put the phone back up to my ear to tell her I had to go, I heard these words…”Enjoy each day as it comes and make the best of what you have…no matter how crappy of a situation you are in, there is always something to be thankful for in it. You live in Colorado, one of the most beautiful places in our country, that alone should make you thankful and excited to enjoy the season God has you there…because you will miss it one day when you move. Your friends are great blessings…enjoy your time with them. In all things just enjoy today and let God handle the tomorrows. And know that you are NEVER stuck somewhere. You will not be here in this season forever and change is coming very soon.”

Gosh I needed that. I don’t have it so bad. So what, I don’t like my job….it pays the bills and I actually get to work alongside some pretty amazing people who believe in me and will be supporters in my ministry for the rest of my life. I have great friends who love me well and I love dearly, I get to wake up every morning and look out my bedroom window to see a view of Pikes Peak and I have had a blast living here. I live in a place that I have always viewed as a place of rest. A place I knew God would lead me one day for a season of rest and to hear from him. In no way, shape, or form have I taken advantage of that rest. I know God has BIG plans for me and I should probably be tapping into that rest right now because who knows when I will ever have this time again. Gosh, my passionate spirit can sometimes get a hold of me in the wrong way. I know God planted “world changing” passions there and I HAVE to believe that he will bring it all to fruition.

So here’s to having a blast in my time left here in CO. Here’s to great friends, many more adventures, laughs and excitement for what’s ahead of us. ENJOY TODAY and let God do the rest! Thanks Mom!